Refreshing Canned Ciders

Downeast Cider Features Lemon and Ginger For a Tasty Twist

When you think of a refreshing Summer beverage, cider may not be the first thing that comes to mind, but Downeast Cider is hoping to change that.

Crafted with freshly pressed Maine apples, Downeast Cider is a refreshing dock-side drink. Created by a couple of college friends, the cider features freshly-pressed juices and no short cuts or artificial additives. Bold hits of lemon and ginger perfectly compliment and elevate the beverage.

The popularization of craft beer has led to a surge of diffusion craft products. As a beer-adjacent product, it is only natural that cider should be crafted and perfected in the same way. The craft beverage industry has also led to a growth in local economies and a push to make more local purchasing decisions.
Trend Themes
1. Diffusion Craft Products - Craft beer's popularity has led to a surge of diffusion craft products, creating opportunities for innovative and unique cider flavors.
2. Craft Beverage Industry - The growth of the craft beverage industry presents opportunities for cider makers to capitalize on the trend and create high-quality, artisanal products.
3. Local Purchasing Decisions - The push to make more local purchasing decisions within the craft beverage industry opens up opportunities for regional cider producers to thrive.
Industry Implications
1. Craft Beer - The craft beer industry can venture into the production of craft ciders to expand their product offerings and cater to a wider consumer base.
2. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry can explore partnerships with cider makers to offer innovative cider-infused products and expand their market reach.
3. Hospitality - The hospitality industry can incorporate unique craft ciders into their beverage menus to attract cider enthusiasts and stand out from competitors.

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