Donut Double Cheeseburgers

The Hungry Horse's Glazed Double Donut Burger Also Includes Bacon

If you are looking for a ridiculously unhealthy cheeseburger, the Double Donut burger replaces the standard sesame seed bun with glazed donuts. The bacon double cheeseburger from UK-based pub chain Hungry Horse contains a whopping 1966 calories in one sandwich. Just for reference, that accounts for 98% of a woman's caloric intake for the today and 79% of a man's.

The Double Donut burger is described as "so wrong it's right," which is resulting in some backlash. However, all the nutritional information is available on the Hungry Horse website, as a Hungry Horse representative pointed out to Mashable, so consumers can make an informed decision.

Either way, no one can debate how delicious this monstrosity of a burger looks.
Trend Themes
1. Unhealthy Fast Food - Opportunity for healthier, alternative fast food options that can satisfy consumers without compromising their health.
2. Controversial Food Choices - Opportunity to create buzzworthy food options that may be unconventional but attract attention and curiosity from consumers.
3. Transparency in Nutritional Information - Opportunity to provide consumers with clear and easily accessible nutritional information to make informed decisions about their food choices.
Industry Implications
1. Fast Food Industry - Opportunity to innovate and introduce healthier fast food options to meet consumer demand for more nutritious and balanced meals.
2. Food and Beverage Industry - Opportunity to create unique and unconventional food products that challenge traditional culinary boundaries and cater to adventurous consumers.
3. Digital Health and Wellness Industry - Opportunity to develop digital platforms or apps that provide transparent nutritional information and help users make healthier food choices.

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