Water Buffalo Ice Cream

Double 8 Dairy Gelato is Made from a Different Kind of Milk

Double 8 Dairy Gelato ice cream is made from a source that many would be shocked to hear about: water buffalo. Apparently the animal's milk is a lot more creamy than a regular cow's, so a group of farmers decided to cultivate this product and sell on mass through ice cream.

Considering how much better ice cream tastes when it's made with creamy and delicious milk, it's a surprise that entrepreneurs haven't tapped into this sooner. Apart from the interesting fact about buffalo milk being used for this brand, the packaging design is also notable. The final look was conceived by Cult Partners, who went with a mainly text-focused look for the design, calling attention to the buffalo milk ingredients.
Trend Themes
1. Water-buffalo-based Food Products - The growing popularity of water buffalo milk for ice cream can lead to new innovations in other food products made with this creamy milk.
2. Alternative Dairy Sources - Entrepreneurs could explore alternative sources of dairy such as water buffalo for a unique selling point in the dairy industry.
3. Sustainable Farming Practices - Increased demand for high-quality milk could also encourage farmers to explore alternative, sustainable farming practices that support the welfare of their animals for ethical and environmental concerns.
Industry Implications
1. Ice Cream - Entrepreneurs in the ice cream industry could use this innovative approach to create unique and creamy ice cream flavors that stand out in the market.
2. Dairy - This new trend could lead to the development of new dairy-based products beyond ice cream, such as cheese and yogurt, made from water buffalo milk.
3. Sustainable Agriculture - The trend for alternative dairy sources could support the growth of sustainable agriculture practices as a more ethical and environmentally friendly approach to farming.

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