Hamburger Tarts

This DIY Pop Tart Involves a Meaty Patty and Cheese

Pop Tarts were all the rage in the 90s, but they are now coming back in full circle as DIY Pop Tarts. While some people still may be addicted to the store brand pop-up pastries, people like the chef from PornBurger are coming up with their own toaster tart treats.

In this case, his version of the Pop Tart is more appropriate to eat at lunch or dinner than breakfast. Comically called 'I Can Haz Pop Tart' after a popular Internet meme, his creation tastes exactly like a hamburger.

The chef turned the once sweet treat into a savory one that includes mashed grass-fed beef patty, bacon jam, melted cheddar cheese and a sesame poppyseed pastry in place of a bun. It's the perfect snack for those who want to eat a hamburger on-the-go -- without the mess.
Trend Themes
1. DIY Pop Tarts - Opportunity for innovative and customizable versions of the iconic toaster pastry.
2. Savory Treats - Creating unconventional and savory twists on traditionally sweet snacks.
3. On-the-go Snacks - Developing convenient and portable food options for busy consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Exploring new flavor combinations and food experiences.
2. Fast Casual Dining - Introducing unique and indulgent menu items to attract adventurous diners.
3. Convenience Stores - Providing alternative grab-and-go options for customers seeking savory snacks.

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