Digitalizing Magazines

Google Books Adds Back Issues of Glossies

Magazine addict? Google just announced a new service targeting lovers of traditional glossies. While they already revealed they'd archive Life Magazine, they revealed a new partnership with publishers of leading magazine titles such as Popular Science, New York Magazine, Men's Health and Ebony that will let Google post back issues online. They'll be searchable through Book Search and be indexed in the regular Google search engine.

To keep the publishers happy, Google added links leading back to the official sites of the featured magazines. Since magazines are making a huge chunk of their revenue through online ads, this isn't a half-bad idea. It's a smart way to innovate through economic change, and the growing disinterest in print media by the internet generation.

Image 1 Credit: CNET Networks
Trend Themes
1. Digital Magazine Archiving - Partnerships with publishers to archive leading magazine titles back issues online. Smart way to innovate through economic change and the growing disinterest in print media by the internet generation.
2. Searchable Magazine Database - Google's Book Search makes magazines searchable, leading to more efficient research for readers and more potential ad revenue for publishers. Disruptive innovation to traditional magazine publishing.
3. Online Advertising Revenue - Magazines are making a huge chunk of their revenue through online ads, leading to opportunities for more targeted and effective advertising with the use of data analytics and AI. Disruptive innovation to traditional advertising methods.
Industry Implications
1. Publishing Industry - Partnerships with technology companies to digitize and archive traditional print media can lead to wider distribution channels and new revenue streams. Disruptive innovation to traditional publisher models.
2. Advertising Industry - The shift to more online ad revenue for traditional print media presents opportunities for targeted and effective advertising with the use of data analytics and AI. Disruptive innovation to traditional advertising methods.
3. Technology Industry - Partnerships with traditional print media to digitize and archive content can lead to the development of new search tools and services, opening up new business opportunities. Disruptive innovation to traditional technology services.

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