Chilling Tree-Removal Videos

Vi Agroforestry Shows Deforestation of Popular Swedish Parks

To demonstrate the devastating effects of deforestation, Vi Agroforestry created a video showing what would happen to the appearances of Sweden’s most famous parks without their trees.

Trees provide shade, homes for insects and animals, air purification and providing food and without them, the world would be quite different.

The chilling campaign put together by MRM Stockholm uses advanced photo editing techniques to morph the lush green areas in places like the Humlegården and Pildammsparken into sad, desolate and gray scenes without any trees. The campaign aims bring deforestation closer to the homes of Swedes, putting them in the shoes to experience the same kind of deforestation that's going on in the Lake Victoria Basin in Eastern Africa.
Trend Themes
1. Environmental Awareness - Businesses can focus on raising awareness of environmental issues and encouraging sustainable practices.
2. Deforestation Prevention - Companies can invest in ways to prevent deforestation, such as tree planting and sustainable forestry practices.
3. Green Marketing - Businesses can use environmentally conscious messaging and imagery in their marketing efforts to appeal to socially conscious consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Forestry - Forestry companies can implement sustainable practices to prevent deforestation and protect natural resources.
2. Environmental Conservation - Environmental organizations can use compelling visuals and educational resources to raise awareness of the impacts of deforestation.
3. Consumer Goods - Consumer goods companies can emphasize their commitment to sustainability to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.

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