Deceptive Electronic Scales

For Those Paranoid About Their Body Weight

There are three electronic scales in the Alice Wang designed Asimov's First Law range that highlights the fixation and psychological harm people can have with their (what they believe to be) ideal bodyweight. The collection is named after the first of the Laws of Robotics set out by author Isaac Asimov back in 1942 - exploring the interaction between human-robot.

Here is the role call of the range and saves the best until last:
The Half Truth scales that you can only use if someone else crouches down low enough to read the display - and it is then up to that person to relay your weight back to you (truthfully or not);

Open Secrets scales, gives you the option to transmit the your weight to another person's mobile phone - so they can break the news as they see fit;

White Lies scales show your weight to be lighter and lighter as they edge further and further backwards - and closer to reality when you step forward.

The perfect gift for you know who...
Trend Themes
1. Body Positivity Tech - Opportunities exist for tech companies to develop products that promote body positivity and help individuals feel comfortable with their natural body weights.
2. Honesty Through Technology - Technology can be utilized to promote honesty and transparency in personal relationships and interactions.
3. Personalized Health Tech - There is a need for personalized health technology that takes individual needs into account to promote overall health and wellbeing.
Industry Implications
1. Wellness Industry - The wellness industry can utilize technology to create products that promote body positivity and healthy lifestyle choices.
2. Technology Industry - The technology industry can create products that utilize transparency and honesty to create better personal relationships and improve communication.
3. Fitness Industry - The fitness industry can develop personalized technology solutions for individuals seeking to achieve their health goals.

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