Ex-Con Bakeries

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Dave's Killer Bread is a Quirky Social Business Giving Back with Gumption

Based in Oregon, Dave's Killer Bread is a baking company with character. Loafs are the name of the game and taglines like "Just say no to bread on drugs" help bring a je ne sais quoi to this quirky social business.

But there's more to it than simple gimmick. In addition to super healthy grains, the company supports the National Alliance on Mental Illness and recently participated in an MS walk.

"Years ago, this now-famous baker was a self-described 'knucklehead drug addict' who spent years in and out of the prison system, both in Massachusetts and Oregon," wrote Milkshake in early April. "But this ex-con decided to turn his life around and return to his roots. In 2004, Dave decided to follow in his father's footsteps and get back in the bakery."

Image Credit: Rob Delahanty

Contact Information
Dave's Killer Bread website
Dave's Killer Bread on Facebook
Dave's Killer Bread on Twitter
Trend Themes
1. Social Businesses - There is an opportunity for other quirky social businesses to combine unique branding with a commitment to making a positive impact in their communities.
2. Supporting Mental Health - More companies can explore partnerships with mental health organizations and use their platforms to raise awareness and support for mental health issues.
3. Redemption Stories - The success of Dave's Killer Bread demonstrates a growing interest in redemption stories and the potential for individuals with troubled pasts to turn their lives around and make positive contributions to society.
Industry Implications
1. Bakery - Bakeries can adopt a socially responsible approach and create unique marketing campaigns that resonate with consumers looking to support companies with values.
2. Food and Beverage - Businesses in the food and beverage industry can align themselves with causes or issues they feel strongly about and use their products and platforms to raise awareness and drive positive change.
3. Rehabilitation and Reintegration - Industries focused on rehabilitation and reintegration can explore opportunities to support individuals with criminal backgrounds in building successful careers and reintegrating into society.

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