Ceiling Projection Installations

The Das Schloss Mall Enables Consumers to Shop Underwater

The Das Schloss mall in Berlin, Germany uses a projector to enable consumers to shop underwater. The mall is home to Europe's largest ceiling projection since the images play across a 3,900 foot ceiling.

The installation took two years of design and planning, two months to install and two weeks for final setup. Center manager Oliver Mohr said, "Because the interior has a lot of architectural lighting, we wanted the visual system to be even brighter so our visitors could fully immerse themselves."

The Das Schloss ceiling projector allows consumers to be mesmerized by their evolving environment since the projected image can easily be changed. Das Schloss can project images on the ceiling to fit the season or upcoming holiday. The mall can utilize the ceiling projection to get consumers into the seasonal or holiday spirit while shopping and keep them coming back to see the latest projection.
Trend Themes
1. Ceiling Projection Installations for Retail - The trend of using ceiling projections to create immersive shopping experiences can revolutionize the brick and mortar retail industry.
2. Dynamic Ceiling Projection Design - The trend of flexible and dynamic ceiling projection design offers endless opportunities for creative expression and personalized customer experiences.
3. Hyper-realistic Ceiling Projections - The trend of using hyper-realistic ceiling projections can transport consumers to different worlds and add a new level of excitement to shopping.
Industry Implications
1. Retail - Ceiling projection installations have the potential to disrupt traditional brick and mortar retail by creating immersive and unique shopping experiences.
2. Entertainment and Events - Dynamic and hyper-realistic ceiling projections can open up new possibilities for immersive entertainment experiences and enhance the atmosphere for events.
3. Hospitality - Hotels and restaurants can utilize ceiling projections to create unique and memorable dining experiences or transport guests to different settings without leaving the building.

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