Dancing Inmates

1,500 Filipino Prisoners Re-enact Michael Jackson's "Thriller"

The latest viral sensation are videos shot in the prison yard of the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Centre in the Philippines, which show several large-scale dance routines with impressive choreography.

The latest release features around 1500 prisoners acting out the trademark zombie routine from Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' music video clip. The clip has had over 600,000 hits so far.

The amazing thing is this was only a practice run.

Implications - Consumers enjoy the act of mimicking their favorite stars as it lets them vicariously experience celebrity lifestyles. Celebrities act as benchmarks of success in North American society; they've attained a social status that consumers want to achieve. Corporations can capitalize on this consumer desire by offering services that allow common citizens to live as though they're famous.
Trend Themes
1. Viral Dance Challenges - The popularity of videos featuring large-scale dance routines presents an opportunity for businesses to create viral dance challenges that capitalize on consumers' desire to mimic their favorite stars.
2. Prison Rehabilitation Programs - Correctional facilities could innovate their rehabilitation programs to include dance and other creative outlets as a form of positive reinforcement and therapy.
3. Virtual Celebrity Studios - Offering virtual celebrity experiences or studios that provide consumers with a simulated celebrity lifestyle presents a disruptive opportunity for corporations looking to capitalize on consumers' desire for fame.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Creating viral dance challenges and incorporating dance routines in entertainment programming could drive engagement and revenue for the entertainment industry.
2. Correctional Facilities - Innovating rehabilitation programs and incorporating creative outlets such as dance could improve the effectiveness of correctional facilities in reducing recidivism rates.
3. Technology - Developing virtual celebrity studios and experiences requires technological innovation and presents an opportunity for technology companies to create new revenue streams.

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