Sweltering Sunbathing Spreads

Cruel Summer has a Seasonably Sultry Appeal

As disgusting as it's sometimes seen, human sweat is the very element that makes Cruel Summer by Santiago Sierra so irresistibly appealing. When you're as attractive as Marloes Horst and Evandro Soldati are, this glisten on your skin is becomes incredibly attractive.

You might think that the swimwear that stylists Lindsey Gathright and Garrett Munce chose for the models might fade into the scene, but the bold modern garments enhance the contemporary look of these photographs. Bikinis, tank tops and board shorts flaunting bright colors and patterns complement the sculpted physiques of the provocative pair.

Yearning for comfort under unrelenting rays, Marloes and Evandro seek relief after a plunge in the water, and strip down to nearly nude, lying back on the pool deck. Cruel Summer by Santiago Sierra may be intolerable to these two, but it's pretty generous to their onlookers.
Trend Themes
1. Swimwear Fashion - The bold modern garments chosen for the models enhance the contemporary look of these photographs, presenting opportunities for the swimwear fashion industry to innovate and create eye-catching designs.
2. Outdoor Cooling Solutions - With the desire for comfort under unrelenting sunlight, there is a growing need for innovative outdoor cooling solutions to provide relief and enhance the outdoor experience for people.
3. Body Positivity Movement - The photographs featuring models with diverse body types, like Marloes Horst and Evandro Soldati, highlight the importance of body positivity and present opportunities for industries such as fashion, advertising, and media to embrace and support this movement.
Industry Implications
1. Swimwear Fashion Industry - The bold modern garments chosen for the models in Cruel Summer by Santiago Sierra open up possibilities for swimwear designers and manufacturers to create unique and attention-grabbing designs that resonate with consumers.
2. Outdoor Recreation Industry - The increasing popularity of outdoor activities invites opportunities for the outdoor recreation industry to develop innovative cooling products and technologies that enhance the outdoor experience and provide relief from the heat.
3. Body Positive Branding and Advertising Industry - The portrayal of diverse body types in the photographs presents an opportunity for the branding and advertising industry to embrace body positivity and showcase more inclusive and authentic representations of beauty.

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