Pink is the New Christ

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Rio's 'Cristo Redentor' Goes Pink for Breast Cancer

Brazil's famous Cristo Redentor (Christ the redeemer) statue in Rio de Janeiro has gone pink to raise awareness of breast cancer.

The city's authorities have illuminated the famous landmark in pink light to celebrate October, the internationally recognized Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Brazil suffers from a high rate of breast cancer where one out of eight Brazilian women are diagnosed with breast cancer, and 10,000 die of it each year.

Implications - Many companies realize that corporate social responsibility is high on consumer's minds. By promoting a charity, these companies are able to promote a good cause through their work and gain access to becoming a forerunner in the target audience's minds.
Trend Themes
1. Breast-cancer Awareness - Raising awareness of breast cancer through events and landmarks presents opportunities for companies to promote a good cause and connect with their target audience.
2. Corporate Social Responsibility - Contributing to charity events and initiatives is a way for companies to demonstrate their social responsibility and to engage their customers.
3. Cause Marketing - Tying a product or service to a cause that resonates with customers can lead to brand differentiation and an increase in customer loyalty.
Industry Implications
1. Non-profit Organizations - Charities and non-profit organizations can leverage charity events and initiatives to raise awareness of their causes and to secure funding.
2. Healthcare Industry - The healthcare industry can develop products and services that support cancer prevention, detection, and treatment, while differentiating themselves as social and responsible companies.
3. Tourism Industry - Landmarks and tourism destinations can collaborate with charities and non-profit organizations to create events that attract visitors and raise awareness of important issues such as breast cancer.

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