Historically Inspired Craft Sodas

Gunna Drinks' Craft Soda Beverages are Based Off of Old Recipes

Gunna Drinks launched a range of four craft soda beverages inspired by historic recipes from around the world.

The Gunna Original is made with sparkling water and natural ginger, pulling from a mocktail recipe called a "gunner" that was used by the British Navy as a treatment for seasickness. While the formula for Steelworks is based on a refreshing drink that was enjoyed by Cape Town’s steelworkers, the Pink Punk is a sparkling water beverage that mimics a Shirley Temple. Gunna's range also includes the Muscovite, which draws inspiration from a lemonade recipe from Moscow.

Although many of the original drinks were crafted to suit specific purposes in the past, the modern-day consumer will still appreciate the unique, low-sugar flavors. In particular, Gunna Drinks targets Millennials seeking out brands with personality and products with a story.
Trend Themes
1. Historically-inspired Craft Beverages - Using historic recipes as inspiration for craft soda beverages.
2. Low-sugar Beverages - Offering unique and flavorful beverages that are low in sugar.
3. Story-driven Products - Targeting Millennials looking for products with personality and a story.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage - Creating unique and low-sugar craft sodas based on historic recipes.
2. Hospitality - Offering story-driven and unique beverages to patrons seeking new experiences.
3. Retail - Selling low-sugar and historically-inspired craft sodas to consumers looking for niche products.

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