Macho Beer Bars

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This Craft Beer Marketing Stunt in Japan Uses Burly Men to Appeal to Women

While a lot of craft beer marketing is male-targeted, for the Macho Craft Beer Bar is set to take an entirely different approach.

For a price, attendees will be able to attend the bar and indulge in the all-you-can-drink event. In order to attract women who are fans of craft beer, the event is being promoted with well-built male servers and stars like Koala Koarashi, YouTuber Saiyaman Great and Ueda Chisei, who was recognized for having the best body in Japan in 2013.

A few years ago, there were some scandals that emerged after some of the company's largest beer brewers invented "fake beer" in order to get around the outrageously high beer taxes. As a result, young drinkers have been quick to align themselves with craft beer breweries that share their desire for authenticity and transparency.
Trend Themes
1. Female-focused Marketing - Craft beer companies could adopt female-focused marketing strategies to attract new customers.
2. Celebrity Endorsements - Using popular figures to promote craft beer events could increase brand visibility and attract new customers.
3. All-you-can-drink Events - Hosting all-you-can-drink events for a fixed price may be an effective way to increase sales and customer loyalty.
Industry Implications
1. Craft Beer - Craft beer companies could use this marketing strategy to attract female customers and increase sales.
2. Hospitality - Restaurants and bars could increase revenue by hosting all-you-can-drink events with celebrity appearances.
3. Marketing - Marketing and advertising agencies could offer female-focused strategies and celebrity endorsements to craft beer companies as a service.

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