Compact Single Room Apartments

Ambidestro Arquitetura Creates a Livable Space from 24 Sq Meters

AMBIDESTRO Arquitetura exhibits impeccable practicality and thinking outside the box with its design of this compact single room apartment in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Key pieces of furniture include a bed, a sofa and a desk that doubles up as a dining table. AMBIDESTRO Arquitetura places the furniture in the middle, as to make the most use of the space. The studio also incorporated smart storage options within the plush headboard and the kitchen area, which occupies the entire wall of the room.

The compact single room apartment is definitely becoming a trend, forcing architects to come up with new ways of integrating furniture and essential living components into ever-shrinking spaces. When one takes into consideration the volume of the furniture pieces and the inherent necessity for them, it is impressive how the compact single room apartment by AMBIDESTRO Arquitetura is able to house it all.

Photo Credits: Marcelo Donadussi
Trend Themes
1. Compact Living Spaces - There is a growing trend of designing compact living spaces to maximize use of limited available space.
2. Multi-purpose Furniture - Designers are increasingly integrating multi-purpose furniture that serves multiple functions within compact living spaces.
3. Smart Storage Solutions - Innovative storage ideas are being implemented to optimize storage space in compact living spaces.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Manufacturing & Design - Innovative designs of multi-purpose furniture with a small footprint and compact storage capabilities present vast opportunities for disruption in the furniture manufacturing and design industry.
2. Real Estate Development - Designing and developing affordable and livable compact single room apartments represents significant potential for disruption in the real estate development industry.
3. Interior Design Services - Designing and decorating compact living spaces as well as developing innovative storage solutions presents numerous opportunities for disruption and expansion in the interior design services industry.

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