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Hanky Panky Launched the New 'Comfort Guarantee Program'

Hanky Panky, the lingerie brand founded in 1977 by Gale Epstein, recently launched a new Comfort Guarantee Program. If first-time customers are unhappy with any lace thong, Hanky Panky will offer a free, personal consultation with a trained fit expert to identify another silhouette for them to try and receive for free.

The Comfort Guarantee Program was launched because of the brand's confidence in the craftsmanship, comfort, and quality of their legendary thongs. Hanky Panky offers three styles of thongs -- Original Rise, Low Rise, and High Rise.

Currently, the program only applies to lace thongs, however, the brand stated that it hopes to extend the Comfort Guarantee to first purchases of other styles in the future.
Trend Themes
1. Comfort Guarantee Programs - Lingerie brands can offer a similar program to provide first-time customers with a personal consultation to guarantee satisfaction with their product.
2. Craftsmanship Confidence - Other brands can follow Hanky Panky's lead by showing their confidence in the quality of their products with a similar guarantee.
3. Silhouette Variety - Brands can expand their product lines to include a wider variety of silhouettes, allowing customers to find the perfect fit for them.
Industry Implications
1. Lingerie - Similar comfort guarantee programs could be implemented by other lingerie brands.
2. Fashion Retail - Fashion retailers could offer similar quality guarantees for their products.
3. E-commerce - E-commerce sites can offer an online consultation tailored to provide customers with the perfect product for them.

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