Sensual Non-Profit Websites

The Charitable Come4 Project Helps Dispel Hypocrisy with Ethics

The Come4 Project is the first non-profit porn site that aims to change the taboo nature of the sex industry. As one of the biggest markets online, the Come4 Project hopes to tap this seductive gold mine for charitable use. Beyond that, by dispelling the hypocrisy through ethical means, it hopes to "rethink critically the relationship of on-line pornography and society," as written on its site, as well as protect those who are often exploited for free content.

Co-founded by Riccardo Zilli and Marco Annoni, the Come4 Project has launched with a powerful campaign created by TBWA\Being. It is narrated by Asta Philpot, who viewers later learn is a disabled man who helps raise public awareness of the sexual rights of disabled people through his Asta Philpot Foundation.
Trend Themes
1. Ethical Porn Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create a platform that promotes ethical practices and consent within the porn industry while supporting charitable causes.
2. Redefining Societal Perception - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop initiatives that challenge societal norms and misconceptions about the sex industry, fostering more open dialogues and education.
3. Empowering Marginalized Communities - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Build platforms and resources that empower and advocate for the rights and sexual well-being of marginalized groups.
Industry Implications
1. Non-profit - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore new ways for non-profit organizations to leverage online platforms and tap into unconventional funding sources.
2. Adult Entertainment - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Transform the adult entertainment industry by creating new models that prioritize consent, ethics, and social impact.
3. Disability Advocacy - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Utilize technology and storytelling to amplify the voices and rights of disabled individuals within society and challenge ableism.

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