News-Reading Megaphone Machines

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The COLORS News Machine Twists Tweets

COLORS Magazine and designer Johnathan Chomko have created a machine that plays broken telephone with Twitter users. The machine invites users to watch their words become twisted as they are filtered through several different forms of digital media, and then finally go to print.

After receiving a tweet to @colorsmachine, The COLORS News Machine will read the tweet aloud, "which a tape recorder will record and convert into text to be shown on a television; a camera watching the TV screen converts what it sees into a signal and sends it to a radio antenna; a radio will read out the broadcast, which a microphone would interpret as text again; and finally the machine would print it."

The printed outcome is compared to the original tweet to gauge accuracy, showing just how easy it is for the original messages to become skewed or changed entirely in the process.
Trend Themes
1. Social Media News Twists - The COLORS News Machine demonstrates the potential for unique social media news delivery methods with potential for alternate narrative viewpoints.
2. AI-assisted News Production - There is potential for artificial intelligence software in news production to assist in creating unique and interactive news content.
3. Crowd-sourced News Curation - The COLORS News Machine shows potential for crowd-sourced news curation through Twitter and other social media platforms.
Industry Implications
1. Media - The media industry can adapt new technologies like digital media and artificial intelligence for future news delivery.
2. Tech Startups - Tech startups can focus on developing unique news curation platforms through social media and digital technology.
3. Advertising - Advertising companies can create interactive ad campaigns using social media news delivery platforms like the COLORS News Machine.

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