Cold Brew-Infused Vodkas

SKYY Infusions' Cold Brew Coffee Vodka Taps Into a Popular Coffee Drink

Coffee and vodka is a combination that's gone hand-in-hand for many years, leading to the creation of many fun cocktails and coffee-flavored vodka expressions but Skyy Infusions is introducing a new Cold Brew Coffee vodka that taps into the immense popularity of cold brew coffee. The cold brew coffee-infused vodka promises to re-energize a variety of classic coffee-flavored vodka creations—although it will only be available for a limited time from the brand.

The vodka product is infused with Arabica coffee beans, which dramatically sets it apart from previously released Skyy Infusions flavors, many of which are fruit-focused.

While coffee lovers can easily find a variety of espresso vodkas on the market, this unique formula offers an of-the-moment way to enjoy a classic combination with a twist.
Trend Themes
1. Cold Brew-infused Vodkas - The trend of infusing vodkas with cold brew coffee offers a refreshing twist to classic coffee-flavored vodkas.
2. Fruit-focused Infused Vodkas - The trend of fruit-focused infused vodkas is being disrupted by the introduction of cold brew coffee-infused vodkas.
3. Limited-time Offer Products - The trend of limited-time offer products creates a sense of urgency and exclusivity around the cold brew coffee-infused vodka.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage - The beverage industry can explore the potential of cold brew-infused vodkas to attract coffee and vodka enthusiasts.
2. Alcohol - The alcohol industry can tap into the trend of cold brew-infused vodkas to add innovative and unique flavors to their product offerings.
3. Hospitality - The hospitality industry can incorporate cold brew-infused vodkas in their beverage menus to cater to the growing demand for unique and trendy cocktails.

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