Non-Model Fashion Ads

This Project Features Everyday People Recreating Iconic Clothing Ads

The Buzzfeed staff recently carried out a project to recreate iconic clothing ads with everyday people. In recent years, consumers have begun to demand advertisements that feature real people instead of glamorous models. This series explores how fashion advertising would change if brands began using non-models.

The project involves Buzzfeed staff of all shapes, sizes and ethnicities. These staff members were asked to recreate iconic clothing ads in order to demonstrate what true body diversity might look like. The project covers everything from vintage ads to contemporary campaigns. The results are displayed side-by-side in order to demonstrate how unrealistic conventional advertising can be.

The unique project shows the power of body positivity in action by breaking down the idealized images found in contemporary advertising.
Trend Themes
1. Body Positivity - The demand for authentic representation in fashion advertising creates opportunities for brands to promote body positivity and showcase diversity.
2. Real People Marketing - Using everyday people instead of models in fashion advertising is a growing trend that allows brands to connect with a broader audience and build more relatable campaigns.
3. Unconventional Advertising - Recreating iconic clothing ads with non-models challenges conventional advertising norms and opens up innovative possibilities for storytelling and engagement.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The fashion industry can adopt body positivity and non-model marketing strategies to cater to a wider range of consumers and reshape industry standards.
2. Advertising - The advertising industry can embrace the use of real people and unconventional approaches to create impactful campaigns that resonate with diverse audiences.
3. Media and Entertainment - By featuring everyday people in fashion advertisements, the media and entertainment industry can promote inclusivity and authenticity, revolutionizing how beauty is portrayed and celebrated.

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