Modern Fairytale Sneakers

Onitsuka Tiger Created Cinderella Sneakers That Remix the Glass Slipper

Cinderella, the upcoming movie starring Camila Cabella that debuts on Amazon Prime Video in September, collaborated with Japanese sports and fashion brand Onitsuka Tiger to create a contemporary pair of Cinderella sneakers. The limited-edition sneakers promise to capture the hearts of fairy tale fans, especially those who are drawn into the fresh perspective that the film provides on a classic story.

There are just 800 pairs of sneakers that will be made available and they remix the sneaker brand's P-Trainer Przm style with prismatic colors for a glossy, mirror-like effect that makes wearing glass-inspired slippers practical and comfortable. Naturally, the Onitsuka Tiger Cinderella sneakers are decked out in details like tiger stripes, tiaras and the movie title, to pay tribute to both collaborators.
Trend Themes
1. Limited-edition Collaborations - Opportunity for brands to collaborate with other industries to create limited-edition products that appeal to niche markets.
2. Reimagined Classics - Opportunity to update classic products for modern consumers and create a unique twist on familiar stories or characters.
3. Prismatic Finishes - Opportunity to incorporate prismatic finishes in products to create a glossy, mirror-like effect.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion brands can collaborate with other industries to create limited-edition products that appeal to niche markets, such as the Onitsuka Tiger Cinderella sneakers.
2. Entertainment - Opportunity for entertainment companies to collaborate with fashion brands and create unique products tied to specific movies or characters, like the Onitsuka Tiger Cinderella sneakers.
3. Beauty - Opportunity for beauty brands to incorporate prismatic finishes in makeup and skincare products to create a glossy, mirror-like effect.

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