Upcycled Down Furniture Series

Christoph Kurzmann Breathes New Life to Old Furniture

Christoph Kurzmann designs a new series of furniture using old down furniture, giving it a new purpose and function. When Oxford Brookes University was renovating and refurbishing about 250 student bedrooms in their dorms, it has plans to bring the furniture to waste.

However, one of the furniture design students proposed that the raw materials from the drawers and beds were to be incorporated into new designs. This was the fruition of the Upscaling Upcycling project as the designers use materials for new looks. Kurzmann disassembled the existing furniture and then used it to build new kinds of looks. The bedframes that were taken from the downs were then transformed into stackable stools or the bed slats were used to create stacked chairs.
Trend Themes
1. Upcycling Furniture - Upcycling old furniture and transforming them into new designs is a growing trend that offers an environmentally friendly way of creating innovative products.
2. Sustainable Design - Sustainable design that uses recycled or repurposed materials is becoming increasingly popular as consumers seek alternatives to traditional products.
3. Circular Economy - The concept of the circular economy, where waste is minimized by using existing resources to create new products, is gaining traction among both businesses and consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Design - The furniture design industry can capitalize on the trend of upcycling and sustainable design by creating new products that use recycled materials and offer unique designs.
2. Sustainability Consulting - The sustainability consulting industry can help businesses adopt sustainable practices, including upcycling and circular economy principles, to reduce waste and improve their environmental impact.
3. Student Housing - The student housing industry can embrace upcycling and sustainable design as a way to reduce waste and improve the sustainability of their buildings, while also offering unique and innovative design options for their tenants.

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