Macabre Chocolate Shops

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Diablo is Celebrating Its New Series with a "Goremet" Chocolate Shop

Traditionally associated with delicacy and beauty, chocolate takes a dark twist at a new 18+ horror-themed chocolate shop in Central London. This "goremet" chocolate shop was created to mark the launch of the fourth installment of the Diablo series and it reaches just the right target audience with life-sized human skills, femur bones, demon hearts and more.

The name of the shop, the Lilith & Co emporium, pays tribute to the seductress demon in the game and it invites adults into an unforgettable experience of chocolate. This artful shop serves up a fusion of Diablo-inspired art collections and chocolatier work, playfully subverting consumers' usual notions of chocolate by infusing the confectionery world with a spine-chilling allure.

100% of sales benefit gaming charity SpecialEffect, which works with developers to create accessible gaming devices.
Trend Themes
1. Macabre Chocolate Shops - A trend of horror-themed chocolate shops creates an opportunity for chocolatiers to create unique experiences for their customers.
2. Goremet Food - The emergence of goremet food fuses culinary arts with horror, providing an opportunity for food entrepreneurs to capitalize on unique and provocative food experiences.
3. Artful Horror Experience - An emerging trend of artful horror experiences brings together the worlds of art and horror, opening up opportunities for artists and event organizers to create unique experiences for audiences.
Industry Implications
1. Chocolate Industry - Incorporating horror themes into chocolate products presents an opportunity for chocolatiers to appeal to a new market of horror enthusiasts.
2. Food and Beverage Industry - Goremet food represents a new genre in food and beverage, offering an opportunity for restaurants to provide unique dining experiences.
3. Art and Entertainment Industry - The emergence of artful horror experiences creates opportunities for artists and event organizers to collaborate and create memorable experiences for audiences.

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