Electric Vehicle-Inspired Chargers

This Mini Tesla Supercharger Lets You Charge Your Smartphone

There are certainly a bevy of different ways to charge your smartphone, but none are as close to electric vehicle charging as this mini Tesla Supercharger. Created using a 3D printer by Martin Hansen in Germany, the scale model allows users to create their own charging accessory using the files uploaded by the maker.

The mini Tesla Supercharger device came about when Hansen was looking at the actual product itself and understood the inherent possibilities of it. This small device to charge your smartphone pays homage in a way that creates fandom around the device. As the electric vehicle revolution powers on, it's likely that the market will shift to see consumers idolizing the designs of tomorrow rather than of yesterday.
Trend Themes
1. Electric Vehicle-inspired Chargers - More electric vehicle-inspired chargers will be made to meet the demand of consumers with products such as wireless charging devices.
2. 3D Printed Technology - More people will access the digital files of a particular model or prototype and create their own products using 3D printed technology, broadening the industry of mass customization.
3. Collectible Smartphone Chargers - As more novel, iconic designs of electric vehicles emerge, it's possible that chargers will become sought-after collectible items.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics - The Consumer Electronics industry will experience significant transformation from wired charging devices to electric vehicle-inspired chargers and wireless charging technologies.
2. Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing - As more people gain access to 3D printed technology and models, the Additive Manufacturing industry could see transformational growth.
3. Automotive - As electric vehicle designs become iconic, consumer interest in charging devices and other collectibles could drive revenue for the industry.

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