Tattooed Hollywood Starlets

'Celebrity Body Art' Contest Adorns Famous Vixens with Tribal Designs

If you've fantasized about you're favorite Hollywood stars as hot tattooed chicks, this 'Celebrity Body Art' collection is sure to make you grin as talented photo manipulators have adorn these sultry vixens with some intense body art.

The 'Celebrity Body Art' collection of photographs is actually the work of a bunch of contestants who entered a Worth1000 challenge to seamlessly integrate tattoo designs into existing photos. Who knew Jessica Alba could be such a badass rocking tattoo designs on all limbs?

My favorite picture of the 'Celebrity Body Art' collection though has got to be the one featuring Katy Perry and her Pokemon tattoos. The world needs more Pokemon-related body art.

Implications - Tattoos have enjoyed a steady incline in popularity for the past decade and it is no longer exclusive to a particular subculture. Corporations looking to evoke empathy from consumers while garnering attention through shock tactics may consider utilizing tattoo-inspired designs in their products and services.
Trend Themes
1. Celebrity Body Art - Trend towards designing and featuring tattoo-like designs on celebrity images or in entertainment media.
2. Tattoo-inspired Products - Trend towards incorporating tattoo-style design into mainstream products to attract consumers.
3. Pokemon Tattoos - Trend towards integrating popular culture icons in body art designs.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Industry - Opportunities exist for fashion companies to incorporate tattoo-style designs on clothing, accessories and footwear for a wider audience.
2. Entertainment Industry - Films, TV shows and music videos catering to younger demographics could include or highlight tattoo-covered artists/characters to appeal to a wider audience.
3. Marketing Industry - Marketing companies can experiment with incorporating temporary tattoos in their campaigns to attract younger demographics.

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