Perverted Pet Photoblogs

The Cats Watching You Tumblr is Hilariously Addictive

If you are currently eating or drinking anything, I suggest you put it down before you look at the Cats Watching You Have Sex Tumblr. This amazingly hilarious Tumblr features pages upon pages of photos of cats looking shocked, appalled, impressed, and any other emotion you would imagine your feline friend experiencing while watching two people have sex.

The Cats Watching You Have Sex Tumblr comes with the following heading: "You’ve always pretended they weren’t watching you get it on. You’ve always been wrong."

If that doesn’t sell you on the idea of this Tumblr account, then I don’t know what will. Some of my personal favorite photos include the captions: "Well…that body is certainly not a wonderland," "He put it where?!" and "Dude, I don’t think either one of you have had enough booze to justify your actions right now."

Do yourself a favor and enjoy the Cats Watching You Have Sex Tumblr for a guaranteed laugh.
Trend Themes
1. Pet Photoblogs - Online platforms that provide humorous or novel content featuring pets are continuing to rise in popularity.
2. Animal-inclusive Social Media Accounts - As social media becomes more integrated into our daily lives, the use of animal-inclusive accounts is becoming increasingly common.
3. Humor-based User-generated Content - User-generated content that is created with the intention of providing humor and entertainment to online audiences is on the rise.
Industry Implications
1. Pet Industry - The pet industry can benefit from partnering with popular pet photoblogs to promote their products or services.
2. Social Media - Social media platforms have the opportunity to capitalize on the popularity of animal-inclusive accounts by creating features that cater to this audience.
3. Digital Advertising - Brands can benefit from incorporating humor-based user-generated content into their digital advertising campaigns to increase engagement and reach with their target audience.

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