Salvaged Lakeside Cottages

'Casa Pollo' is Made from Recycled Wood and Metal

At first glance, Casa Pollo looks more like a rundown barn left to the caprices of dereliction, but upon closer inspection, the cottage is so much more. Though it does indeed make use of rusted, worn down materials, Casa Pollo does so in the name of environmental friendliness, recycling older materials to create something new and modern.

The building, which serves as a holiday home for a family, sits on the edge of an estuary that flows into the Caicawe Canal. It bends along with the shape of the coast, making the internal space lively and dynamic. Likewise, the life and wear visible on both the rusted corrugated aluminum exterior and the wooden beams on the exterior lend to that feeling of variance and excitement.
Trend Themes
1. Sustainable Architecture - The trend towards using recycled materials to create new and modern buildings.
2. Eco-friendly Home Design - A trend towards using materials that are environmentally friendly in home design.
3. Rustic Aesthetics in Modern Buildings - A trend towards using older, worn down materials to embrace a rustic aesthetic in modern buildings.
Industry Implications
1. Construction - There are opportunities for companies and individuals in the construction industry to incorporate sustainable and eco-friendly building practices in their projects.
2. Design - There is a need for designers to incorporate recycled, environmentally friendly and wearable materials in their designs to achieve eco-friendly aesthetics.
3. Real Estate - Real estate professionals can tap into the trend of sustainable architecture and eco-friendly home design through marketing environmentally conscious properties to buyers.

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