Personalized House Tours

The Carvalho Hosken Real Estate Firm Uses Social Media to Drive Sales

The Carvalho Hosken real estate firm has devised a creative way to create a personalized experience for home buyers. By incorporating social media into their strategy, they were able to create a positive atmosphere that yielded in sales growth.

What the company decided to do was have potential home buyers sign into an app on Facebook, which allowed the firm access to their photos and videos. Prior to the guests arrival at the model home, the firm had set up digital displays that had pictures of the visiting family up on the walls and videos playing on the TV. A rather unexpected surprise, but nonetheless, it gave the consumers a warm and welcoming feeling, as if they were in their own home. The Carvalho Hosken real estate firm in Brazil demonstrates one of the many possibilities of leveraging social media.
Trend Themes
1. Personalized House Tours - Using social media to create a customized experience for home buyers.
2. Incorporating Digital Displays - Utilizing digital displays to enhance the home buying experience.
3. Social Media in Real Estate - Using social media platforms to drive sales in the real estate industry.
Industry Implications
1. Real Estate - Opportunity for real estate firms to leverage social media and digital displays for personalized tours.
2. Marketing and Advertising - Incorporating social media strategies to create a unique and engaging customer experience.
3. Technology - Developing innovative digital display solutions for enhanced home tours.

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