Funnel Cake Burgers

This Burger Cleverly Confines Carnival Desserts with Savory Fast Food

Carnival desserts are fun to enjoy when you're out at a theme park or music festival and you want something sweet and deep fried. This funnel cake burger cleverly combines the sweet deep fried taste of sugary cake with a savory beef patty.

To make this funnel cake burger begin by whipping up some savory funnel cake buns from flour, paprika, milk and pepper. To achieve the classic look of a funnel cake pour the batter into a squeeze bottle so you can create erratic designs in pan. Then make a full cake burger patty from grass fed beef. To add a sweet kick you can try making your own rhubarb ketchup from strawberries, rhubarbs, ginger, paprika and vinegar. Stack the toppings together and enjoy!
Trend Themes
1. Savory Desserts - Opportunity to create innovative and unique desserts that combine sweet and savory flavors.
2. Hybrid Foods - Disruptive potential in combining two distinct food items to create a new and interesting culinary experience.
3. Gourmet Fast Food - The trend of elevating traditional fast food items with high-quality and unique ingredients.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Opportunity for food companies to experiment with unconventional flavor combinations and attract adventurous eaters.
2. Restaurant and Hospitality - Potential for restaurants to differentiate themselves by offering creative and indulgent desserts that incorporate savory elements.
3. Foodservice Equipment - Development of specialized equipment that can efficiently produce and cook hybrid desserts, catering to the growing demand.

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