Clean Personal Care Products

Disco Makes Simple, All-Natural Care Products for Men

Disco specializes in "modern care for the modern man" and offers a range of straightforward care products for men that are all-natural, vegan and cruelty-free. As a direct-to-consumer brand, Disco makes it easy for consumers to purchase all of their face and body care needs in a single spot. This includes products like facial cleanser sticks and scrubs, moisturizers, face masks, deodorant and body wash. For the sake of simplicity, these items can even be purchased in curated sets or delivered regularly to one's home.

As Disco founder Ben Smith describes, "We found that at-large, men were open to exploring better personal care routines. For some, it meant they wanted to upgrade their bar soap routine, others felt they needed to do more."
Trend Themes
1. All-natural Personal Care - Opportunity for brands to create all-natural, vegan and cruelty-free personal care products for both men and women.
2. Direct-to-consumer Men's Care - Disruptive opportunity for brands to offer straightforward care products for men through direct-to-consumer channels.
3. Curated Personal Care Sets - Potential for brands to provide curated sets of personal care products for convenience and ease of purchase.
Industry Implications
1. Beauty and Personal Care - Disruptive innovation opportunity for the beauty and personal care industry to focus on providing clean and natural products for consumers.
2. Direct-to-consumer Retail - Opportunity for the retail industry to adopt direct-to-consumer models for reaching customers with men's care products.
3. Subscription Box Services - Disruptive opportunity for subscription box services to deliver curated personal care sets to customers regularly.

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