Art Facade Concepts

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Minus5 Architects is Proposing a Unique Building Projection Idea

Minus5 Architects has proposed an artistic building projection concept for the tallest building in the world -- the Burj Khalifa.

The firm, along with Studio Mr. White, had the idea to project scale silhouettes of architectural monuments from around the world onto the Burj Khalifa. The projections would be shown in black and white and would give viewers an idea about how these other well-known pieces of architecture compare in size to this colossal building.

The building projection would be an excellent way of showing off the building's main attraction -- its enormous height. Providing tourists and viewers from around the world an actual, to-scale comparison of what those height differences look like would likely boost tourism in the area.
Trend Themes
1. Building Projection Trends - The idea of projecting images onto buildings for artistic, educational, or commercial purposes has become increasingly popular and can be leveraged for tourism promotion.
2. Architectural Silhouette Trends - Using black and white silhouettes of architectural monuments from around the world can be a powerful way to communicate scale and inspire awe in viewers.
3. Height Comparison Trends - Helping viewers understand enormous height differences using real-life comparisons can be impactful and may drive tourism.
Industry Implications
1. Tourism - Through employing building projection, tourism boards can provide better ways to differentiate their location and create unique experiences for visitors.
2. Architectural Design - Building projection can be used as a tool to integrate architecture into the urban landscape and create a new dimension of interaction with buildings.
3. Education - Using building projection to display history, culture, geography, and science in creative ways can enhance learning experiences and foster curiosity.

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