Satirical Beer Ads

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Breckenridge Brewery Says "If You Touch it and it's Cold, Then it's Cold"

Breckenridge Brewery strikes back against the wave of ridiculous beer marketing strategies with its latest 16-second spot titled "If You Touch it and it's Cold, Then it's Cold." The ad takes aim at temperature-sensitive packaging, most recently seen with the cold-activated bottles and cans from Coors Light and Busch Light. These temperature-sensitive bottles change colors when the beer is chilled properly -- a gimmick that the Colorado brewery is taking a stand against.

The Breckenridge Brewery ad proclaims the brand's "proprietary cold activation system." Just touch the side of the beer; if the bottle is cold, the beer inside is also cold. This satirical ad spot has won the favor of the YouTube community; commenter Oberlepa wrote, "I love it when BS technology is called out."
Trend Themes
1. Skeptical Advertising - Brands are adopting skeptical and satirical advertising methods to target gimmicky marketing strategies.
2. Proprietary Technology - Companies are developing unique and proprietary technology systems to make their products stand out in the market.
3. Anti-packaging - Anti-packaging initiatives and campaigns are beginning to emerge as companies look to push back against wasteful and unnecessary packaging trends.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage Industry - The beverage industry is ripe for disruption as brands push the limits of packaging and marketing gimmicks.
2. Technology Industry - The technology industry has an opportunity to develop unique solutions to combat wasteful and unnecessary packaging trends.
3. Marketing Industry - The marketing industry will need to adapt to the growing trend of skeptical and satirical advertising techniques as consumers become increasingly wary of gimmicky marketing strategies.

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