Heartbreak Healing Kits

Mackenzie Prather's Break Up Kit Instructs How to Heal a Heart

When you have your heart broken, you can either choose to do a lot of moping or channel your sadness into something positive, like Mackenzie Prather did with her break up kit designs. Prather's (now ex) boyfriend broke up with her via text message and she used this as the inspiration for 'Flourish,' a fictitious company she invented to help others get over similar heartaches.

Her Flourish products are bold, unapologetic and make sassy statements like "I won't cry, my mascara is way too expensive." Items in the Flourish-branded line include items that will aid wounded hearts like lighters that instruct the broken hearted to "burn everything" and alcohol "for when you run out of chocolate."
Trend Themes
1. Heartbreak Healing Kits - Designing kits with emotionally intelligent tools and humorous products to aid broken hearts in transitioning past a relationship.
2. Empathetic Consumer Packaging - Designing creative retail packaging to connect with consumers who are hurting emotionally and provide them with applicable tools during hardship.
3. Digital Support Communities - Creating online communities that provide emotional support and tools for consumers to help them transition past relationships.
Industry Implications
1. Retail Industry - Retail stores can benefit from creating and selling customized break up kits to provide emotional support to consumers during tough times.
2. Social Media Industry - Social media companies can create supportive groups to help connect people going through heartbreak and provide helpful tools and resources for moving on.
3. Wellness Industry - Wellness professionals can design services and products to help those dealing with depression, anxiety, and emotional stress resulting from heartbreak.

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