Rebellious Nude Captures

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These Brandon Jordan Photos are Hip and Edgy

Brandon Jordan is the mastermind behind these nearly nude captures. He is the co-founder of the brand Ehliens, and is clearly a talented photographer.

Brandon Jordan's personal work can be found on his tumblr where he showcases his talent. There is such an unaffected, raw and wild energy in his captures that emphasizes intimacy and expressive erotic tension. Brandon Jordan's photos are taken of people in his everyday life, and he often hides the faces or keeps them out of the framing. Using everyday people instead of models adds a sense of realism to his work that grips onlookers. He also prefers to avoid extensive retouches to convey an edge of realism in his work.

With such gritty and intriguing work, Brandon Jordan is a photographer to look out for in the near future.
Trend Themes
1. Raw Artistic Photography - A new trend in photography that embraces the raw and emotional aspects of the subject.
2. Authentic Representation - A trend towards using real people in creative projects that emphasizes realism and authenticity.
3. Minimalistic Retouching - A trend towards minimally edited photographs that prioritize realness over perfection.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - This trend presents an opportunity for photographers to experiment with creative and edgier techniques beyond traditional conventions.
2. Fashion - Fashion brands can incorporate this trend through raw and authentic representation of their products and models, challenging traditional beauty standards.
3. Advertising - Companies can leverage this trend by using real people in their advertisements and emphasizing authenticity to connect with consumers on a deeper level.

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