Brain Wave Artworks

Lia Chavez Gives Audiences an Intriguing Look into Her Mind

If a person was able to look into the mind of Lia Chavez, an American artist living and working in New York City, they would be treaty to a stormy sight filled with ominous clouds and lightning bolts. Through her brain wave artworks, that is exactly what is portrayed. That might seem strange considering it's through a meditative mind frame that these images are captured.

With wireless sensors pressed against her head, the brain wave artworks come to life. Chavez says, "It’s like watching storms of consciousness develop and dissipate over time. It’s incredibly intense. It’s incredibly violent. The closer I get to this quiet place, the more intense these visions become." She dubbed the brain wave artworks, Poiesis/ Tumult. It was brought to life with the help of creative technologists at Rehab Studio in London.
Trend Themes
1. Brain Wave Art - Incorporating brain wave technology in art creation.
2. Neuro Art - Creating artwork inspired by neurological patterns and activity.
3. Brain-computer Interface Art - Creating art using a device that translates brain activity into visual form.
Industry Implications
1. Art & Design - Incorporating new technologies and unconventional methods of art creation.
2. Neuroscience - Developing new tools and technologies to monitor brain activity and translate it into visual form.
3. Education/therapy - Using neuro art as a tool for education, meditation, or therapy.

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