Contorted Picket Fences

Brad Ascalon 'The Dream' is a Modern Take on Idealistic Myths

Brad Ascalon 'The Dream' warps the perfect symbol of domestic paradise. The New York City-based designer works to create a new symbol of the true American dream. This installation was part of the Gallery R' Pure exhibit that had ten renowned US artists reexamine symbols that are part of the American mythos.

Ascalon successfully contorts and twists the infamous image of middle-class suburban bliss with the white picket fence. The gateway to the home, the fence, symbolizes all the bad kept out of good 20th century American homes. Yet, life is not as simple as a Leave it to Beaver episode.

Millions of dreams are broken and many people don't live in these idyllic circumstances. Brad Ascalon 'The Dream' represents an authentic attempt to portray American life.
Trend Themes
1. Authentic Representation of American Life - The trend of representing the true American dream without idealization, as seen in Brad Ascalon's 'The Dream.'
2. Reexamining American Symbols - The trend of reevaluating and warping symbols of American myths and ideals, as done in the Gallery R' Pure exhibit.
3. Breaking Down Stereotypes of American Life - The trend of challenging and subverting traditional depictions of middle-class suburban life in American culture.
Industry Implications
1. Art & Design - The art and design industry can embrace the trend of creating more authentic works that eschew idealized American tropes.
2. Advertising & Marketing - The advertising and marketing industry can benefit from reevaluating traditional symbols and depictions of American life to appeal to modern audiences.
3. Media & Entertainment - The media and entertainment industry can capitalize on the trend of challenging stereotypes and creating more authentic portrayals of American life for film, TV, and literature.

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