Online Love for London Mayor

I Did Not Vote For Boris

London has a new mayor, and the story of how he got elected is very interesting. A ton of people thought it would be funny to vote for someone called Boris Johnston (see video); in fact, so many that he actually got in!

The web is alive with sites dedicated to Boris or Bo Jo. The blog roll is really rather impressive and demonstrates the viral nature of the scenario. It really does illustrate the power of a good sense of humour!

Already he has banned the consumption of alcohol on the tube, which is a very good idea indeed. In ad off way, you have got to kind of love him, as the video shows: I can't believe I shared that in public!..

A few great sites: - photos of women, men, children, dogs (my dog, Fungus the Boneyman is pictured) united in the fact they did not vote for Boris! - sells celebratory Boris hoodies - celebrates the great BJ's every move! - general random information about London's mayor
Trend Themes
1. Viral Political Campaigns - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop online platforms and viral marketing strategies to capitalize on the popularity of humorous political campaigns.
2. Celebrity Politicians - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create merchandise and online communities to engage and monetize the fan base of celebrity politicians.
3. Online Political Activism - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Build online platforms that empower individuals to express their political opinions and unite around a common cause.
Industry Implications
1. Election Campaign Management - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop advanced digital tools and analytics to optimize political campaigns and engagement strategies.
2. E-commerce and Merchandise - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Introduce innovative e-commerce platforms and personalized merchandise to capitalize on the fan culture around politicians.
3. Social Media and Community Platforms - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create social media and community platforms tailored for political engagement to facilitate activism and foster online discussions.

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