Kinky Cell Phone Charms

Bondage Kewpie Phone Strap

Bondage babies?

We're all familiar with the cute little cell phone charms originally made famous in Japan, but what most of us haven't seen, however, is just how bizarre they get. Everyone wants something unique, so when the rest of the world caught onto the phone strap trend, it was only natural for Japanese artists to start developing something a little more creative.

Just look at the Bondage Kewpie Tied up with Cell Phone Strap.

That's just a little too kinky for something that's supposed to be cutesie. Kewpie dolls are actually quite famous little figurines. And no, the name doesn't come from a slurred "cutie pie," the term actually comes from "cupid."
Trend Themes
1. Bizarre Cell Phone Charms - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Developing unique and unconventional cell phone charms to cater to the demand for something different.
2. Creative Phone Straps - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Creating innovative and out-of-the-box phone straps that stand out from the rest of the market.
3. Kewpie Dolls - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Reimagining and reinventing Kewpie dolls to appeal to a broader audience beyond their traditional market.
Industry Implications
1. Mobile Accessories - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Designing and producing unconventional mobile accessories to cater to consumers looking for unique and edgy products.
2. Art Collectibles - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Creating collectible art pieces that can be integrated with everyday items like cell phones, offering a unique blend of functionality and aesthetics.
3. Japanese Toy Market - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Introducing innovative and modern toy concepts to the traditional Japanese toy market, expanding its appeal to a wider global audience.

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