Seductive Lipstick Editorials

Beegee Margenyte is a Rouge-Lipped Beauty for Exit Magazine

20-year-old Lithuanian model Beegee Margenyte's editorial in the Exit Magazine Spring/Summer 2011 issue is the perfect example of what can happen when a photographer blends decidedly high-fashion ideas with strong sex appeal.

Beegee Margenyte is stunning in a series disparate but similarly sexy outfits, including several large men's shirts, blazers, high-waisted shorts and a gold lamé sweater. The Beegee Margenyte Exit Magazine editorial was shot by photographer Greta Ilieva, who does an excellent job of contrasting Margenyte's soft features with an expansive backdrop.

My favorite snap of the editorial features Beegeen Margenyte seated in a gorgeous white one-piece, with her head to the sky and a exultant look of release on her face. These are the kind of images that help a developing young model transition into major campaigns and editorials.

The Exit Magazine Spring/Summer 2011 issue is on newsstands now.
Trend Themes
1. Seductive Fashion Campaigns - The combination of high-fashion ideas and sex appeal in fashion campaigns present an opportunity for brands to capitalize on the consumer's desire for both aspects.
2. Youthful Brand Ambassadors - Utilizing young models in fashion campaigns may increase brand appeal and open doors for future major campaigns and editorials.
3. Expansive Backdrops in Photography - Using expansive backdrops in fashion photography creates a visually striking contrast that can elevate the overall impact of campaigns.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion brands can create more captivating campaigns by incorporating elements that appeal to the consumer's sexuality while maintaining a high-fashion aesthetic.
2. Photography - By finding new and visually striking ways to capture fashion, photographers can differentiate themselves and potentially attract high-end fashion clients.
3. Advertising - Utilizing young and attractive models in advertising campaigns can increase consumer appeal and sales for a variety of products and services.

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