32,000 Barbies Represent Real Boob Jobs

Social Commentary by Chris Jordan

Up close, you can see that these photographs consist of some fascinating detail; the entire design is made of plastic dolls. 32,000 Barbies, to be exact.

The images, created by photographer Chris Jordan, are more than just art; they are a form of social commentary and send a message backed by frightening statistic. These dolls represent the number of real boobs jobs performed in one month in the United States alone in the year 2006.

His goal was to arise awareness of the plasticity and artificiality consuming today's society. That's 384,000 breast augmentations in a single year in just one country.

Jordan's visuals are such a great way to gain perspective.

This work is part of his Running the Numbers series which has featured other images such as one million plastic cups which reflect how many are used by people flying on American airline flights every six hour. Yikes!
Trend Themes
1. Plastic Surgery Trend - The rise in plastic surgery procedures creates opportunities for innovative products or services that support patients during pre- and post-operative care.
2. Sustainability Trend - There is an increasing consumer desire for sustainable alternatives to single-use plastics, creating an opportunity for businesses to offer eco-friendly products.
3. Art as Social Commentary - Visual artists can leverage their art to raise awareness for social issues and promote change.
Industry Implications
1. Plastic Surgery Industry - The plastic surgery industry can innovate by leveraging technology to provide patients with more personalized and efficient treatment plans.
2. Toy Industry - The toy industry can work towards producing more sustainable and eco-friendly products to meet consumer demand.
3. Art Industry - The art industry can further promote art as a tool for social commentary by supporting and collaborating with artists who use their platform to spread awareness.

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