Ugly Avocado Desserts

'Gelavo' is Made from Misshapen and Blemished Hass Avocados

To address the food waste crisis, some inventive food and beverage start-ups are basing their entire businesses off of repurposing "ugly" fruits and vegetables, which are often overlooked for blemishes, unconventional sizes and odd shapes—Perth-based 'Gelavo' for example, produces sustainable avocado desserts with unwanted avocados.

The dairy-free, frozen avocado desserts make use of Hass avocados that have been deemed undesirable for some reason or other, typically because they are seen as not aesthetically appealing. The avocados make up about 22 to 25% of Gelavo's frozen treats, with the other key ingredients including water, sugar, lime juice and canola oil.

Gelavo's avocado desserts are offered in Original, Coffee and Chocolate flavors, offering consumers a delicious way to indulge their sweet tooth and at the same time, minimize food waste.
Trend Themes
1. Ugly Fruit and Vegetable Repurposing - Opportunity for businesses to create innovative products by repurposing 'ugly' fruits and vegetables that are often overlooked due to their unconventional appearances.
2. Sustainable Food Products - Increasing demand for food products made from sustainable ingredients to address the issue of food waste and promote environmental consciousness.
3. Alternative Desserts - Growing market for unconventional desserts made from unexpected ingredients, providing consumers with unique and eco-friendly dessert options.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Opportunity for food and beverage industry to create new products that utilize 'ugly' fruits and vegetables, contributing to reducing food waste.
2. Frozen Desserts - Innovative opportunity for the frozen desserts industry to incorporate sustainable ingredients, such as repurposed avocados, into their products.
3. Health Food - Rising demand for healthy and sustainable desserts presents an opportunity for the health food industry to develop alternative dessert options made from 'ugly' fruits and vegetables.

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