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Automobile Diagnostic Apps (SPONSORED)

The Automatic App Helps You Drive More Efficiently

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Keeping up with your car's inner workings can be a costly and complicated task, which is why the people behind Automatic came up with a system that sends your car's diagnostics to your iPhone. Now you can figure out exactly why your "check engine" light is on as well as track your gas mileage and driving style. Another useful element to Automatic is the fuel efficiency monitor. This system scores your driving and gives you sound cues when you accelerate too quickly and waste fuel. If you're the type to forget where you parked, Automatic even serves as a tracking device for your car.

The Automatic app works by syncing with a sensor you plug into your car's OBD port. The sensor taps into your car's system just like the computers mechanics used to diagnose engine problems. With this new automobile diagnostic app, you can be more in tune with the inner workings of your vehicle while saving money on gas at the same time.

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