Room-Wrapping Rainforests

Asisi's Illuminated Amazon Panorama by Alexander von Humboldt

Yadegar Asisi created this enormous Amazon panorama image based on illustrations by Alexander von Humboldt. The 30 meter high and 106 meter wide image features rainforest trees with roots like spindly fingers, rich vegetation all around, and a dark sky contrasted with an eye-popping rainbow.

Closer inspection of rainforest panorama reveals the tiny creature of Brazil's Amazon, including caterpillars crawling on leaves, parrots among the canopy, beautiful blossoms and lazily lounging sloths.

At first glance, the forest just appears to show greenery, but Asisi made sure to incorporate details to bring awareness to the richness of the rainforest, and evoke compassion for all its inhabitants.

The 360° Amazon panorama is illuminated by a light installation which gets brighter and darker to simulate different times of day as music by Eric Babak plays in the background.

Also seen are panorama projects of Desden and Rom 312. Check them out in the videos below as well.

Trend Themes
1. Room-wrapping Rainforests - Creating immersive rainforest experiences through room-wrapping panoramas and light installations.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Culture - Opportunities to showcase immersive and interactive art experiences in museums and galleries.
2. Tourism and Hospitality - Providing unique and captivating attractions for tourists through room-wrapping rainforest installations.
3. Environmental Conservation - Using immersive rainforest environments to raise awareness and promote conservation of fragile ecosystems.

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