Hipster Animal Projections

These Anthropomorphic Animals are Projected onto the Streets of Paris

Multimedia artist Julien NONNON's newest art instillation projects fashionable anthropomorphic animals on the streets of Paris, France.

As the founder of the creative design art studio Le3, NONNON's newest project is titled "SAFARI URBAIN' and transforms various wildlife animals into different human forms dressed in the latest cool and hip fashions. His series of Parisian wildlife images are then projected onto buildings to form a temporary city street canvas that can be viewed by all those passing by.

Meant to be a critique on the conformity of the fashion industry, this temporary anthropomorphic animals installation creatively combines modern urban fashion with natural wildlife. Although the projections may only be temporary, the artist does plan to eventually make these unique pieces into photographic art prints that will be available to order.
Trend Themes
1. Urban Projection Art - Using projection mapping to creatively transform urban spaces into interactive art installations.
2. Anthropomorphic Design - Designing animals with human traits to create unique and whimsical products that appeal to consumers of all ages.
3. Fashion Industry Critique - Using art installations to bring awareness to the conformity and consumerism prevalent in the fashion industry.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - Innovative artists and designers that utilize technology to push traditional boundaries and offer new and exciting experiences to consumers.
2. Marketing and Advertising - Marketing agencies that use projection mapping and other forms of interactive media to create unique advertising campaigns for their clients.
3. Fashion and Apparel - Sustainable fashion companies that incorporate whimsical animal designs and prints to appeal to consumers who value unique and ethical fashion choices.

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