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Seductive Vegan Ads

‘Another Cuban Missile Crisis’ Claims that Going Vegan Makes You B

PETA’s ‘Another Cuban Missile Crisis’ commercial gets down and dirty and talks sex. Specifically, it promotes a vegan diet as something that makes men last last longer during sex.

The commercial depicts a young couple engaging in sex on the couch. The man feels himself about to climax before the woman can. To slow himself down, he tries to imagine the face of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro over that of his girlfriend imaging the leader barking at him to focus on his mustache. As sexually unappealing as Castro’s face is, the man is ultimately unsuccessful and climaxes early. His girlfriend looks at him annoyed. The commercial ends with a line of text saying ‘If you go vegan, you can last longer."

The Another Cuban Missile Crisis ad delivers its earnest message with humor, frankness and honesty.

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