Daily Ampersand Designs

A Graphic Designer Diligently Creates New Ampersand Typography Everyday

While many people establish daily habits like running or reading, a Wisconsin based designer resolved to come up with a new form of ampersand typography everyday. Jillian--an educator, graphic designer and co-founder of graphic and web design firm Elbongürk--began a project to design a new ampersand to stimulate creativity and reach other objectives.

Jillian established a list of rules she must follow, including a posting deadline and pixel dimensions. She also decided it's ok to alter existing designs and every design can only be black. There was no goal in terms of the number of ampersands she wants to design, but she is currently at 118. Jillian noted side projects like ampersand typography are important for designers to take on because they make life interesting.
Trend Themes
1. Daily Typography Challenges - Designers are establishing daily typography projects to stimulate creativity and improve their craft.
2. Personal Branding Design - Designers are utilizing personal design challenges to enhance their personal branding and showcase their style and creativity.
3. Minimalistic Graphic Design - Designers are exploring the use of a single color palette and limited design parameters to create visually impactful graphic designs.
Industry Implications
1. Graphic Design - Graphic design firms can encourage designers to partake in personal design challenges to improve their graphic design skills and approach.
2. Web Design - Web design companies can introduce personal design projects to encourage designers to explore innovation and creative solutions for web design challenges.
3. Advertising - Advertising agencies can help their designers push their creative boundaries by encouraging personal design projects that can be used in their advertising campaigns.

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