Hollywood Hustling Infographics

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Allmand Law Reveals How Cinemas Evade High Costs in Movie Making

The film industry is one big money-making hot spot, and Allmand Law, a company that helps individuals evade bankruptcy, reveals how the job's done behind Hollywood's closed doors.

Back in the day, making a movie was a spectacular deed to cross off the bucket list; however, it came with cost that would make any movie-maker's wallet slim. Traditional film formats have been reduced and now promotion of films take a high road on social media sites.

The buzz for movies is largely credited through sites such as Twitter and Facebook. The horror flick 'Paranormal Activity' gained extra hype through marketing on the web by having its viewers request its showing. After one million requests for a nationwide showing, the viewers were granted its horror-haven film.

Nowadays, film production evades high costs by using other effective methods. Take a look through Allmand Law's 'How is The Film Industry Avoiding Bankruptcy' infographic to see how it's done.
Trend Themes
1. Social Media Film Promotion - The film industry is adapting to social media as a cost-effective way to promote films and increase hype.
2. Alternative Film Production Methods - Filmmakers are finding creative and cost-effective ways to produce movies outside of traditional methods.
3. Audience-driven Film Production - Movies are being produced based on direct audience input and requests through social media and other online platforms.
Industry Implications
1. Film Production - Opportunities exist for film production companies to adopt alternative and cost-effective methods for producing and promoting movies.
2. Social Media Marketing - Businesses can capitalize on the trend of social media film promotion by offering their services to movie studios and production companies.
3. Data Analytics - Companies providing data analytics services can help movie makers analyze audience demographics and preferences to create more targeted and successful films.

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