Data-Mapping Smart City Initiatives

Alibaba Group Will Be Turning Macau into a "Smart City"

The retail giant Alibaba Group recently signed a four-year partnership deal with Macau's government in order to turn the region, which is well-known as being a "gambling mecca," into what is being described as a "Smart City."

There will be two phases in the initiative, both of which will be completed by June 2021. The first phase will create a "cloud computing data center in Macau, and data-mapping information for the government." The second phase will use that data, along with Alibaba Group's AI and Deep learning systems, "to create vast improvements in the region's environment, customs clearance, and financial forecasting."

The initiative will also seek to improve healthcare, transportation, governance and education in the region – using tech to improve quality of life for citizens in a wide variety of areas.
Trend Themes
1. Smart City Development - The trend of using technology to improve and optimize urban living spaces, such as in Macau's initiative with Alibaba Group.
2. Data Mapping for Government - The trend of using data-mapping technology to create a more informed and efficient government.
3. AI and Deep Learning Integration - The trend of implementing AI and deep learning systems to improve various aspects of society, as seen in Alibaba's second phase.
Industry Implications
1. E-commerce - The e-commerce industry, like Alibaba Group, is well-positioned to provide the technology and infrastructure necessary for smart city development.
2. Information Technology - The information technology industry will continue to thrive as more companies seek to implement data-mapping technology and AI systems.
3. Healthcare - There is potential for healthcare companies to leverage new technologies in the smart city space to provide better care and services to citizens.

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