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Alternative Aids Awareness Ads

Aides Sexy Fingers Shows One Finger is Enough to Play

The new AIDES Sexy Fingers ad campaign exists to address a very important issue in both the gay and straight community. HIV testing is crucial to avoid a life-threatening and life-alterning sexually contracted disease. Now that modern medicine has advance things like Rapid HIV testing which takes 20 minutes or less can ensure that people will get tested. Getting the word out there that testing like this exists is important for the general public and the AIDES campaign created a simple message: one finger is enough to play, but also to get tested for HIV.

This fun and racy video exhibits many sexual acts that are and can be completed with one finger. Although talking about aids and sexually transmitted disease can be tough, this campaign uses humor light sexual while proving a valid point- all it takes is one finger to potentially save you or someone else's life.

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