Seize Any and All Opportunities

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Sheryl Sandberg Offers Career Advice for Millennials

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg offers important and valuable advice for millennials looking to find employment in today's job market. Sandberg has become a voice of authority when it comes to women in the workplace and career guidance for recently graduated college students.

She explains how technology is changing at such a rapid pace today that it is transforming traditional hierarchical structures and creating huge shifts in power. When companies are growing this quickly and experiencing a lot of change, careers within that organization will take care of themselves.

Sandberg advises individuals to seize any and all opportunities. She says, "If you're asked to take a seat on a rocket ship, don't ask what seat, just get on." Details, according to Sandberg, can be dealt with later.

For more inspiring advice from Sheyrl and other influential women, check out 80 curated lessons by today's most successful women here.
Trend Themes
1. Rapid Technological Change - The pace at which technology is advancing is creating shifts in power and structure, presenting opportunities for disruptive innovation.
2. Opportunity Seizing - Taking advantage of any and all opportunities, regardless of specifics or details, can lead to success in this rapidly changing landscape.
3. Career Self-care - With companies changing so rapidly, individuals need to focus on their own career growth and development, seizing opportunities as they arise.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - The fast-paced technological landscape provides ample opportunity for companies to disrupt traditional industry structures.
2. Career Development - As companies shift, so too must individuals develop their careers, creating a need for innovative solutions in career self-care.
3. Education - As technology changes the workforce, new educational models and solutions will be necessary to prepare students for the shifting landscape.

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